Saturday, 20 September 2014

TPFF night 3

So much eye candy in one evening. Two shows were presented at Ascot for night 3 of Perth Fashion Festival. Once again I was lucky enough to wear a beautiful Geachi gown. I was so comfortable in this silky, ethereal, dreamy gown. What a treat. 

A celebration of Ruth Tarvydas was a wonderful display of her glitzy, glamorous career. Bec Judd even made an appearance, opening the show. Fan-girling hard over here.

     Doing the presenty-style-thing in my beautiful Geachi gown 

Team Nova, yo!

With the beautiful Ali from Creatures Of

 Bec Judd, fan girling.

Part Two of the evening was a group designer display of awesomeness called Galvanized. 33 PoetsAlex Perry (yes he was there and yes I interviewed him. Fan- girl moment one million), Empire RoseManning Cartell and Zhivago. Show stopping creations is the only way to summarise this in one sentence. There was structure, lace, embellishments and even owls on the runway. My brain may explode from awesomess. 

I was lucky enough to wear a Zhivago creation from the beautiful Lost Souls in Times Square Claremont. Perfection in all its structured, sequinny goodness. 

Photos: David Cowe

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